This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Today's class: Thursday, September 25th

1. Take out your Aphorism packet. Review and confirm the value you have picked for representing your aphorism choice.
2. As we move into the next stage, you need to consider the transition from step 3 of writing to step 4 of writing. You have broken down your topic to one core value, yes? Now, a thesis? What is this assignments MAJOR QUESTION? Can you come up with it?? Write the assignment's major implied question before question #7 on the assignment packet.

Knowing the major question that is being asked of you or that you are asking is a primary step before you move forward in researching..

Before you dive into your non-profit research, you need to examine VERY CLOSELY the following instructions. Take your notes out and take very careful notes on the following information. Remember, these are informational texts... remember the purpose for gathering this information

Evaluating Web Sources

Evaluating Web Pages

Now, as you can see.. you are going to be asked to do the following:
To move forward,  you will be assigned to go to Cole’s AS10 website and click on the link that leads you to the “Top 100 non-profit organizations”. Keeping in mind your aphorism, its meaning, and its core value, start examining some of the choices of organizations that you feel would align with your aphorism. Look for evidence such as: mission statements, programs offered, slogans, campaigns, descriptions, etc.

Take your time going through these sites.. use your evaluative tools for examining sites. I want you to examine, at least 5. This is primary practice for later, believe me. Use this time to familiarize yourself with this process. (Think of this as a tutorial).

When you feel comfortable with the perfect non-profit, please complete question #7 in the aphorism packet.

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