This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 31st.

1. Make a copy of your 2 Step 7- Writing Rough Draft with integration of source material. Title this document Step 7 of Writing

2. On the original, you will be adding transitions for Step 8 of Writing. It may not be as easy as subbing in a word where you see transition. You may have to add more for it to ready clearly. You will also need to implement transition phrases between large ideas. This will still be one chunk of writing. We will be going over paragraphing tomorrow.

Transition words link found here: Transitions

3. For your block day (Wednesday/Thursday), please bring both pieces of writing PRINTED OFF TO CLASS!

Look at those cute little Madelines <3

Image result for halloween meme

Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30th

For today, you should have notes on quote integration. We are going to start on Step 7 of Writing today.

1. Pick the TWO of your four Boot Camp topics. You should have an extended paragraph structure for each of these.
2. You will start writing from your thesis and follow your outline. As you write you will be integrating 'source' material. You will need the four ways of embedding a quote demonstrated in EACH extended paragraph structure. (Covered in class)

You are actually writing now... not just planning.

- You may make up your source material for this exercise (and only this exercise). This assignment is about learning HOW to embed.
- We will pretend that your source is a book. Please reference the Purdue OWL and intext citation to do this correctly.
- When you are done, you will have two large chunks of writing with a minimum of 4 quotes each within. Make sure that you pay attention to the 4 things to remember when embedding a quote!
- Pay attention to your sentence structure.

Please type up on a Google document.  Have access to this for Tuesday.

Friday, October 27, 2017

October 27th

1. Turn in your prison application of Steps 1-6 to the substitute. Please staple your extended paragraph structure on the top.

2. In order to be ready for the next step of writing, I need you to go through and take notes on the following links found under "Writing Links". Go through in the following order:
  • "Cornell Guide to Sources"
  • "What must be cited"
  • "UNC Source Integration"
  • "Integrating quotes"
  • "Integrating Quotes- Tag line examples" 
Take very thorough NOTES on the above links. 
I will be introducing STEP 7 on Monday. After this, things will move very quickly. You will be putting these skills into play. Makes sure that your notes are accessible for you!

Classwork Inventory:
For Today, what should be done:
1. Steps 1-5 for 4 Boot Camp Topics
2. Step 6 for 2 of the 4 Boot Camp Topics
3.  All 6 Steps easily accessible in your notes.
4. The notes getting ready for Step 7 in your notes. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 25th/ 26th

Application day!!

We are going to put Steps 1-6 of Writing in to practice. You will be building a "paper" from the ground up. You will not be writing the full paper. We are just practicing the paper process up through the Extended Paragraph Structure from the following question: 

  1. Should punishment or should rehabilitation be the main purpose of prison? Why?

1. First, we will be watching a 60 Minutes interview to get you thinking about your approach to your argument. You will want to take notes to help you have evidence for BOTH SIDES for Step 6 of Writing.
Pelican Bay- 60 Minutes Video

2. Second, you will read an article about Arizona's tent jail. Washington Post- Year spent in Tent Jail. Again, you will want to take notes for both sides of the argument to help you with evidence for Step 6. 

3. You will then, knowing you are writing to a formal audience (Step 1), Brainstorm... Breakdown the topic.... Thesis.... Basic Paragraph Structure. . . Extended Paragraph Structure.

For your warrants on the extended paragraph structure- just bullet point your connection
For your transitions on the extended paragraph structure- just write "transition" for now. 

For this exercise- REASON #1 and accompanying examples for your Basic Paragraph Structure/Extended Paragraph Structure will be your COUNTERCLAIM (opposite side or stance). So, if you are arguing for punishment... Reason 1 will address rehabilitation.  If you are arguing for rehabilitation, reason 1 will address punishment. 

You will turn in all 5 Steps of Writing (2-6). Steps 2-5 can be handwritten. Please type up your extended paragraph structure and print it off for class on Friday. Staple everything together. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 23rd

What should be done by today (Monday)
  • Steps 1-4 for your 4 Boot Camp Topics. These should NOT be located in your notes. They need to be clearly labeled as the step they demonstrate.
  • You should have all 4 Steps of Writing NOTES complete IN your notes! 
Today in class:
1. Review thesis statements/claims.
2. The "Although" Thesis practice (Introductory clause/counterclaim Thesis)
3. Go over Step 5 of Writing- Basic Paragraph Structure

1. Do Step 5 of Writing for 4 Boot Camp Topics
2. Quiz over Steps 1-5 of Writing

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

October 18th

1. 4 Practice thesis statements due this morning- Upload these to Google Classroom.

2. Your 4 thesis statements for your 4 BOOT CAMP topics are also due today. They should be in your notes.

You will now upload these to Google Classroom by the end of the hour.

3. Thesis statements are the center of the writing world... What is the thesis to YOUR WORLD?

You will draw a picture identifying YOUR thesis and explanation of why this is your thesis of your world.

And on to late work... Reminders...
1. There is no late work accepted unless for specific circumstances, which insist upon communication with Mrs. Cole.
2. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period, unless Mrs. Cole states another specific time.
3. If you are absent on the date something is due.. the assignment is still due, unless you communicate with Mrs. Cole prior to the due time.
4. When in doubt... communicate with your teacher!! :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday, October 17th

1. Your 9 thesis statement homework is due at the beginning of class.

2. We will get together in groups of 3 where you will go over the Bad and Better thesis handout... discuss the different types of thesis,and how they go from Bad to Better...  Then as a group, rewrite the thesis statements at the end of the handout. You can submit these to Google Classroom.

Bad and Better Thesis Statements

3. We will practice writing a claim/thesis over the following four topics. These will go in your notes.. they are giving you more practice with crafting a thesis statement.
  • Homework
  • Pro-athlete salaries
  • Kardashians
  • National Anthem 
Reminder... Check:
       1. Your formula
       2. Use of an active verb
       3. Your argument is debatable in an academic setting. (look at formality)
       4. Topic has been adjusted in size where necessary (up or down)
       5. You are answering "how" or "why"?
       6. Are you answering an intellectual question?
       7.  What type of claim are you using?

Write a thesis for your FOUR Writing Boot Camp TOPICS. Make sure that these are carefully labeled and NOT in your notes.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday, October 16th

1. Review:

Thesis: Arguable statement which is the main idea of your paper/paragraph

Formula: Subject + Attitude/Belief +(because) Blueprint = Thesis

Thesis Checklist:
  • Answer to an intellectual question (research question)
  • Must be arguable/debatable (not a statement of fact)
  • Points the direction of argument (how and why?)
  • Passes the "so what" test
  • Language is vivid and clear
2. Types of Claims- These will help you address a subject in an effective manner.
Purdue OWL Thesis/Claims

3. Practice thesis writing. In your notes, using the types of claims notes, formula, and then the checklist, write a thesis for each of the following topics.

Remember to write the research question first... the types of claims and/or Bloom's question stems can help you approach these topics.

Kansas City Sports
High School Activities

4. When you are done, go through the checklist to make sure that you have addressed all components of a strong thesis. Look over the formula... do you have all three components? Write down what type of claim you are using for each thesis... is it cause and effect? Definition? Value? etc.?

5. For Tuesday, on your own paper, review the 10 thesis statements on the following handout. Identify if they are strong or weak.. .and why? Rewrite the weak thesis statements.

Thesis Practice Handout

Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 12th

Thesis Writing.... Got to Care!

1. Remember, the ultimate aspect of success in thesis/claim writing comes from the care in which you approach the content. You must start caring and forming opinions about the world around you! Therefore, read the following articles. Please note the opinions of the authors do not necessarily reflect my own.. the purpose of these specific articles are to engage your opinions on timely subjects.

No One Cares About Climate Change

Average Cost of Raising a Child

Emma Watson- WP

Why India's Narendra Modi

For each article, draw a t-chart in your notes and on one side take notes on WHAT YOU LEARNED and on the other side write WHAT YOU THINK.

This is, of course, is a style of higher level annotation where you are not only keeping track of new information... but also starting to form opinions about what you are reading!!  As you are gathering the "what"... you are starting to think of the "why" and "how".

Be thinking about the formula of the thesis/claim and the checklist as you are doing this activity.

2. When you have finished this, you will need to submit a document to Google Classroom with a THESIS STATEMENT for each t-chart/article.

October 12th

Thesis Writing.... Got to Care!

1. Remember, the ultimate aspect of success in thesis/claim writing comes from the care in which you approach the content. You must start caring and forming opinions about the world around you! Therefore, read the following articles. Please note the opinions of the authors do not necessarily reflect my own.. the purpose of these specific articles are to engage your opinions on timely subjects.

No One Cares About Climate Change

Average Cost of Raising a Child

Emma Watson- WP

Why India's Narendra Modi

For each article, draw a t-chart in your notes and on one side take notes on WHAT YOU LEARNED and on the other side write WHAT YOU THINK.

This is, of course, is a style of higher level annotation where you are not only keeping track of new information... but also starting to form opinions about what you are reading!!  As you are gathering the "what"... you are starting to think of the "why" and "how".

Be thinking about the formula of the thesis/claim and the checklist as you are doing this activity.

2. When you have finished this, you will need to submit a document to Google Classroom with a THESIS STATEMENT for each t-chart/article.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday, October 10th

1. Step 3 of Writing- Breaking Down the Topic is due today. You should have broken down each topic to a manageable size. Label these clearly.

2. Take VERY good notes on the following material. I will go over it on Thursday.

STEP 4 of Writing: Writing a THESIS OR CLAIM. 

Definition of THESIS: arguable main idea of a paper or paragraph
Purpose of Step 4: to provide analysis and argument of a topic, as well as providing a clear road map for the writer and the reader. 

Formula of a thesis: Subject + Attitude or Belief about this subject + Blueprint = Thesis

Checklist for evaluating a thesis:

1. Is the thesis/claim debatable? 
2. Does it answer an intellectual question? 
3. It is not a statement of fact (consider the audience). 
4.  Does it clearly point the direction of the argument (limiting it scope).
5. Is the language vivid and clear?
6. Is the point I’m making one that would generate discussion and argument, or is it one that would leave people asking, “So what?” (does it pass the "how" and "why" test?)
7. Does it use an active verb? (Avoids "Be Verbs... is, are, am, were)

** Try the revise exercise at the end.

Monday, October 9, 2017

October 9th

1. Your 4 brainstorms are due today for STEP 2 of Writing.

Write down the following in your notes... :)

2. Step 3 of Writing is "Breaking Down the Topic".
The purpose of this step is to make the topic size match the paper size.

The process for this step is to take a topic that develops from your Brainstorm (Step 2), and carry it into Step 3. Your goal for this step is to make the topic size manageable for the amount you are expected to write. You are also looking at the hierarchy of ideas when it comes to the topic.

Think about writing a 5 page paper... World War II is too large for 5 pages. Needs to be broken down into something more manageable. ** Rule of thumb. How big would the book in the library be if you found it on that topic? If it is "book sized" it is too big for a small paper.

(1) What comes before the topic (larger issues/categories)
(2)  What falls below the topic (smaller issues/categories)


Teen experiences      Steps of education
                \                  |
               High School
                  |               \
              Activities      College/career prep
               |      |                            \               \
  Athletics    Academic           IB Courses    Technical Education
(Keep going until you have met a topic size that is appropriate for the size of your paper)

3. IN YOUR NOTES... Practice with the following two "practice" topics: 1. Lee's Summit. 2. History
This practice should be done IN YOUR NOTES.

4. For Tuesday- Do Step 3 of Writing for EACH of your 4 chosen topics. This will be 4 total.
Make sure to clearly label as step 3 these and DO NOT embed these in your notes.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday, October 6th

1. Your Twitter Audience Awareness assignment is due to Google Classroom at the beginning of class today.

2. We will finish up Step 1 of Writing- Audience Awareness with the Totem Pole of Academia.

3. Introduction to Step 2 of Writing- Brainstorming.
Pick 4 topics... do a brainstorm for each.

Rules of Formal Academic Writing.... Put these in your notes!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

October 4th/5th


Step One: Choose your hashtag
You may search Twitter (and possibly use Google) to see if there are any hashtags currently in use that grab your attention. Once you decide on a hashtag, you will tweet using the class hashtag to alert Mrs. Cole of which hashtag they chose to explore.

Please use the following format for this tweet: “I chose Hashtag _______  #AudienceColeTwitter”

You will not use the pound key for the hashtag they have chosen in this tweet because this tweet is not related to that hashtag.

Step Two: Research your hashtag and Audience
You will search the hashtag on Twitter. There you will find an archive of all the tweets that used the hashtag. You will then research how the hashtag has been used/is being used.

Consider the following: Who is using the hashtag? What is the context in which people are using the hashtag? What is their purpose for using the hashtag? Are there any major divides in how the hashtag is used (do some use it sarcastically while other use it seriously)? Who are reading these tweets? Students will tweet answers to these questions with the class  #AudienceColeTwitter

Step Three:  Possible Audience
Consider who else might follow this hashtag without actively using it in their tweets.

Consider the following: Are there people you imagine looking up this hashtag without using it in their tweets? Who could these people be? Will this impact your tweet? Tweet answers to these questions with the class #AudienceColeTwitter

Step Four: Other Audience
Consider who else might read their tweets.

Examples of  possible audience: teachers, employers, colleagues, etc. Answer the following questions: Will this impact your tweet? How? Tweet answers to these questions using the class #AudienceColeTwitter

Step Five: Audience Awareness gone well
In your research of this hashtag, where have you seen audience awareness handled thoughtfully? Screenshot a tweet example and explain what you see as a successful handling of audience.
Tweet answer using class #AudienceColeTwitter

Step Six: Audience Awareness gone poorly
In your research of this hashtag, where have you seen audience awareness handled poorly? Screenshot a tweet example and explain what you see as a poor handling of audience.
Tweet answer using class #AudienceColeTwitter

Step Seven: Tweet 
You will actually produce and publish a tweet using your chosen hashtag. You will take a screenshot of your tweet and then tweet that picture using the class #AudienceColeTwitter

Step Eight: Reflect
Once you have tweeted on your chosen hashtag, you will tweet out your reflection of this activity. You will thread your tweets... by chance if you don't know how to do this: How to Thread Tweets

Things to consider... What have you learned about audience awareness from this activity? What have you learned about audience awareness and social media?

Step Nine: Collect
Now that you are done with the activity, you will collect screen shots of each tweet, and arrange on a Google Document... under each step label. You will have a total of 8 Steps...  Upload this document to Google Classroom by October 6th.