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Monday, September 22, 2014

Due: Tuesday, September 23rd


2. Remember, the ultimate aspect of success in thesis/claim writing comes from the care in which you approach the content. You must start caring and forming opinions about the world around you! Therefore, read the following articles. Please note the opinions of the authors do not necessarily reflect my own.. the purpose of these specific articles are to engage your opinions on timely subjects.

No One Cares About Climate Change

Average Cost of Raising a Child

Emma Watson- WP

Why India's Narendra Modi

For each article, draw a t-chart in your notes and on one side take notes on WHAT YOU LEARNED and on the other side write WHAT YOU THINK.

This is, of course, is a style of higher level annotation where you are not only keeping track of new information... but also starting to form opinions about what you are reading!!  As you are gathering the "what"... you are starting to think of the "why" and "how".

Be thinking about the formula of the thesis/claim and the checklist as you are doing this activity.

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