This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Week of May 16th-20th Schedule

May 16th:  4th Hour- Finish Independent Oral Commentary presentations.
    5th Hour- Watch beginning of Taming of the Shrew.

May 17th: Taming of the Shrew quiz Induction-Act 5... Entire play (4th and 5th Hours)

May 18th: Taming of the Shrew Socratic seminar 5th Hour (Bring 5 critical questions and 3 questions addressing comedy genre)

May 20th: Taming of the Shrew Socratic seminar 4th Hour (Bring  critical questions and 3 questions addressing comedy genre)
Research paper presentations 5th Hour 

May 23rd: Research paper presentations

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Final Research Presentation Assignment- May 20th and May 23rd

Presentation requirements: (SEE SCORING GUIDE)
Oral Presentation Scoring Guide- Pay attention to the bolded and red font. These markings distinguish between scores and things to be very cognizant about when constructing your presentations.

You will be presenting your thesis/claim for your literary-themed research paper. With your claim, you will be presenting your best supporting evidence and secondary research that backs your argument. You will need to also reference the literary work within your presentation.

Utilize your outline for your paper, but adjust it to the presentation length. You will be cutting down to the most pertinent material. You will be discussing from your outline.. NOT READING YOUR PAPER.. or off of the screen.

You will need to cite your sources on the slides and a coinciding works cited page will conclude your presentation.

1. Maximum 5 minutes in length. I will cut you off at 5... or before if you are brutalizing the audience.
How to prepare and deliver a presentation... (Learn it. Live it)

Strategies for giving an Oral Presentation

Sample presentations... the good.. the bad... the ugly

What not to do.. what to do..presentation video

Spot the errors... presentation video

2. A digital, visual aide.  A visual aid is used to support your audience, not the presenter. PowerPoint is fine. Note- it is a visual aid.. NOT a PowerPoint presentation.
However, you will need to review the essay, "Death by PowerPoint" before you present. 
PowerPoint structure-

Presentation tips-


Monday, May 9, 2016

Independent Oral Commentary AND FINAL RESEARCH Presentation Schedule

4th Hour:
Thursday, May 12th                Monday, May 16th
Brittany                                    Trey
Morgan                                     Lizzie
Chase                                        Kalub
Brandon                                    Brennon
Miranda                                    Ayaan
Gigi                                          Laurene

5th Hour:
Thursday, May 12th                 Friday, May 13th
Leana                                       Aylish             Abbi
Brooke                                     Levi                Amanda
Bailey                                       Rakayla         Logan
Sean                                         Lizzie             Victoria
Ezri                                          Justin               Caleb
Lily                                          Kyndall            Alexander

4th Hour:
Friday, May 20th                   Monday, May 23rd
Chase                                   Trey              Brittany
Brandon                                 Lizzie           Morgan
Miranda                                Kalub            Gigi
                                              Brennon         Ayaan
                                              Laurene           Soleil

5th Hour:
Friday, May 20th                    Monday, May 23rd
Leana            Victoria             Levi               Ryanne
Brooke          Logan                Aylish            Abbi
Bailey                                     Rakayla          Amanda
Sean                                        Lizzie
Ezri                                         Justin
Lily                                         Kyndall

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Final 2 1/2 Weeks Schedule-

Friday, May 6th: 
- Final draft of research paper submitted to by 11:59 PM.
Monday, May 9th: 
- You will also turn in all of your Research paper preliminary work collected in one folder. Due at the beginning of class.
Tuesday, May 10th: 
-  Quiz over Shakespeare PowerPoint, In Search of Shakespeare, and Induction through Act 2.
Wednesday, May 11th: 
- Go over final presentation expectations, watch first part of Taming.  Thursday, May 12th: 
- Oral Commentary Presentations (4th and 5th Hours)
Friday, May 13th: 
- Oral Commentary Presentations (5th Hour)
Monday, May 16th:
- Oral Commentary Presentations (4th Hour)
- Watch Taming (5th hour)
Tuesday, May 17th: 
- Finish Taming of the Shrew QUIZ over entire book 
- Socratic Seminar- Taming 
Thursday, May 18th: 
- No class
Friday, May 20th: 
- Research Paper Presentations
Monday, May 23rd: 
- Research Paper Presentations

4th Hour: 10559976
Password: bearcats
5th Hour: 10559984
Password: bearcats

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2nd: Proofreading Day


 Proofreaders will follow the following instruction:
1. The first read: You will start with the LAST sentence. You will read ONE sentence at a time until you are reach the top of the paper. Yes, you are reading the paper BACKWARDS. In this reading you are ONLY looking for grammatical and spelling errors, and sentence clarity.  Is there subject-verb agreement? Pronoun-antecedent agreement? Sentence mechanics are correct? Diction choices accurate? No "YOUS". No "If you find an error, make a comment in BLUEDo not fix the error. 
2. The second read: You will start at the TOP of the paper. In this read  you will be looking solely at CONTENT. Does the paper have a CENTRAL ARGUMENT/CLAIM? Is the evidence logical and sufficient to the theme? Is the evidence relevant? Does the entire paper support the requirement of the prompt? Does it sufficiently address the purpose of writing? Mark errors or comments in RED. 
3. The third read: You will be assessing the SOURCE MATERIAL. Has the primary source been thoroughly examined and addressed in conjunction to the claim? Is there adequate SECONDARY support? Are they adhering to the standards of source materials: Objective, Relevance, Current, Scholarly (Think-Totem Pole of Academia).  Has the source material been introduced? Contextualized? Processed through warrants? Cited correctly? Has the author referenced effectively the literary primary text? 
Mark your comments/errors/suggestions in BLACK! 

4. The fourth read: You will start at the TOP of the paper. In this read you will be looking solely at STYLE and STRUCTURE. Is the tone appropriate for the audience and the content addressed. Is the ARGUMENT complete with utilizing Toulmin's methods of argument?  Does each section have a topic sentence that supports the overall claim? Does the paper utilize an obvious structure? Are there warrants? Does is utilize active voice?  Do they use effective transitions? Between sentences? Between sections?  DO THEY UTILIZE careful and strategic DICTION and SYNTAX? Mark suggestions and comments in GREEN. 
4. The fifth read: You will be, again, starting at the TOP of the paper. In this read, you will be looking solely at FORMATTING. YOU NEED TO OPEN UP THE PURDUE OWL AND DO A LITERAL CHECK ON ALL COMPONENTS. DO NOT ASSUME! 

Has the author appropriately addressed MLA style guide? Colon formatted MLA Title??  Is there a WC page? Mark in PURPLE. 
4. In the sixth, and final, read. You will read through from top to bottom and read for the complete experience. Does the entire paper work together? Any last concerns? Mark in ORANGE. 
Pay specific attention to this proofing process. This is an excellent strategy to ensure that your final product achieves its intended purpose. 
AFTER you are done PROOFING. You will need to SCORE the paper with the specific argument rubric. Please write the scores... PLUS the justification of their scores ON THEIR PAPER AND their scoring guide.  You will then give them an AVERAGE of the 5 scores.. (we struggled with this last round... Add up all 5 and then divide that number BY 5. Round up.)