This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Due: Friday, September 2nd

1. Open the "Intriguing Images" link. Examine the 10 images. Use your 6 critical thinking questions to get you to dig into the pictures.
2. Select 6 to examine closer. You will then need to write 3 Bloom's Taxonomy Questions PER image. You do not need to answer the question. I would like you to label the level of Bloom's you are attempting.  To do this, utilize the "Bloom's verbs" and "Bloom's question stems" to help you write your questions.
3. Write these questions on a Google Doc and upload to Google Classroom by class on Friday. Please utilize the MLA heading on the top of your document. (Example is found under Important Links).

As referenced in class, you will have a QUIZ on Friday. This quiz will cover the first 3 weeks of class. Concepts addressed: 6 Cs, Objectives, Cornell notes, Annotation, Critical Thinking, Bloom's Taxonomy. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bloom's Verbs and Question Starters

Due: August 31st/September 1st

We have started our journey into inquiry/questioning. After watching "Why Do We Ask Questions", and being introduced to Bloom's Taxonomy...

1. In your notes please pick 5 assignments/activities we have done in the first 3 weeks of school and identify the level of Bloom's Taxonomy that the assignment asks the student to employ.

2. Be reviewing the 6 levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Class today: August 29th

1. Building from your annotations of your assigned "Beginning", "Middle", "End" sections of 10 pages, we will be analyzing Cohelo's authorial choices more specifically today. Through discussion of each section, we will bring the sections together to determine an overall tone to the text.

2. Introduction to The Alchemist aphorism project- Do questions 1-6 for Tuesday.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Class today: August 24/25... Due: Friday, August 26th

TONE: The general character or attitude of a text.

Remember.. determining TONE is a cumulative exercise.. Here are some hints at the elements to add together.

To do so... pay attention to the following elements:
          1. Diction (word choice)... What words are the characters using.. and at what times? What words does the author use to describe certain circumstances? Connotative meaning.. Denotative meaning.. Inference.. Choices.. choices.. choices.. Choices have cumulative impacts...
2.  Imagery (words and phrases that invoke the reader's senses).... How does the author describe certain scenes? Events? Imagery is used to draw in the reader so they experience the text... this, too, has a cumulative effect on tone.
3. Characterization (the manner in which a character is developed by the author).... How does the author USE his/her characters? How are they developed? How do they interact with each other?
4. Plot (the sequence of events).... WHAT happens? WHEN?  WHY? Why does a certain event happen at a certain point? Why does it follow what it does? Why does a certain event follow IT?
5. Reader response (The role of reader experiences and influence of interpretation)... How the reader responds to all of the above DOES play a role in determining TONE... is it influencing TOO much? Is the reader's response overpowering the author's intentions? Must be considered!

(I would have the above in your notes for class at the end of Tuesday, by the way)

NOW.... I want you to consider the above.. this should give you PLENTY of direction to search..

Once you have determined a full-blooded, fleshy adjective to describe TONE of The Alchemist by examining the APHORISMS.. you need to find EVIDENCE to prove your conclusion. TEXT... You will have a list of QUOTES. Remember citation... MLA.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Class today: August 23rd

Remember the definition of one of our first literary terms- APHORISM and its 5 defining characteristics. Make sure that these are in your notes.

For today, you were asked to come to class with examples of APHORISMS found within The Alchemist. They should be located in your notes.

1. We are going to gather in groups of three and work to populate a large list of these aphorisms,
2. while clarifying the fact that they are indeed aphorisms by the checklist you were given.
3. As you are discussing the defining principals of each quote, I would like for your small group to discuss the larger figurative meaning of the identified aphorism and ponder what it contributes to the larger meaning of the text.
4. The major points of your discussion will needed to be added to your notes. They will be helpful down the road.
5. Remember the small group expectations that Mrs. Cole has outlined at the beginning of class.

Homework for Wednesday/Thursday:
1. After having quite the discussion with your peers, and hopefully multiple additions to your list of aphorisms, in your notes I would like you to write down 5 revelations about The Alchemist from your discussion of aphorisms. What have you learned more about the book? The characters? The text's goals? The text's accomplishments? Your understanding?

Monday, August 22, 2016

Due: Tuesday, August 23rd.

1. You have just finished your first quiz. I would suggest looking back in your notes and make sure that your notes are complete... and highlight/mark the information that was covered on the quiz. Remember, we are building a foundation.

2. We have been examining the term APHORISM. (reviewing the definition.. looking at certain aphorism examples and examining their meanings..... relating to these meanings... and then identifying, on your own, an aphorism in current culture).  NOW... we are going to be looking for aphorisms in The Alchemist...

For Tuesday.. in your notes... you need to make a rather large list of aphorisms from The Alchemist. Think of it as if you are looking for treasure.. hunting and gathering. Please put a list of the quotes in your notes. Remember to have citation in your notes (it will help you also find them later).

"Aphorism direct quote from the text" (Coelho 34).

To give you a place to start looking...  Think of how aphorisms are used? They express a truth about life. Who does this in the book? Who functions in this capacity. Who infers meaning to us the reader? They act as instruction... When are we instructed? When is Santiago?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Due: Monday, August 22nd

1. Remember that you will have a first week reflection quiz at the beginning of the hour.
2. Your aphorism study homework is due. Be thinking about how aphorisms are the perfect start for interpretation of The Alchemist. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 17th! Welcome to a fabulous school year!

Welcome to a spectacular year in AS10 English!


1. Building off of our conversation in class on the first day over the Becoming Brilliant transcript, your homework for Thursday is the 3 question handout that you received in class. We will be discussing your questions in class on Thursday.

2. Remember to read through the online syllabus (found under important links on the right). Write down some questions, if you have any. We will discuss the syllabus on Friday.

3. Sign the syllabus agreement sheet and have your parents read through the syllabus and sign, as well. Please have this done by Friday.

4. The Summer reading assignments should be uploaded already to Classroom and In the next few days, I will put into the grade book a submission mark to not that I have received your work. Double check this on powerschool.

5. If you haven't done so already, please respond to my email with your top 10 things about you!

6. Bring your Alchemist book to class with you.