This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 3rd

Using your lines that you have gathered addressing gender in Taming of the Shrew, you are to select 5 lines from Taming and you will journal about each line. I am using the term "journal" because I want this to be an informal exercise where you pour over the line.  Don't just go through the line and tell me a summary and answer the questions below. Be thoughtful.. ask questions yourself.

I want this exercise to be reflective and exploratory.  I want you to think about the following as you think about these lines and gender:
  • What is the context of the line(s)/passage? 
  • What diction is significant? What do you notice about the choice of words being utilized. How would the meaning of the text change if different words would be used. 
  • How do male and female characters interact with each other? How do they relate to each other? Are these relationships of conflict? Are these conflicts resolved? 
  • How does the work affirm or challenge traditional views of women? Men? How? 
  • If female characters were male, and male characters female, how would meaning change? 
  • How is power related to gender? Do characters utilize forces of gender to attain/relinquish power? 
These are to be done on notebook paper to be turned in. I don't want them typed. Start with the line, itself, and cite it correctly. After this, start writing. 

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