1. Take out your EOC notes. Create a space where you will be monitoring your progress as we get ready for the test. This is a critical aspect in test prep- Trying to establish and declare an accurate baseline for your skill set. There were 23 questions on the first test. Write down your score out of 23.
23-21: Advanced
20-17: Proficient
16-13: Basic
12-0: Below Basic
According to the chart above, assign yourself the level of your performance. Advanced is where each one of us needs to be by the end of April... This will indicate what type of ground you will need to make in the next two months... or MAINTAIN.
2. Look over the first practice test with a critical eye. Look at the questions you MISSED. In your notes jot down the SKILL that each question is TESTING.
3. Once you have identified the SKILL, I want you to determine if there is a PATTERN in the skill sets in the missed questions.
4. In your EOC notes, please write down the TOP THREE AREAS that you need to improve upon.
5. When you are done, go up to the EOC tab and click English II... Click take a practice test.. Load LARGE TEST. This test is 34 questions..
6. Refresh the list of skills that the EOC tests before you begin.
7. Take large test.
TEST #2 (Large Test) Score Breakdown
34-31: Advanced
30-28: Proficient
27-24: Basic
23- : Below Basic
8. Report back to me via the following Google Doc on your TOP THREE AREAS/Skills you need to give attention... Use this document for observances or questions, also!
Oh.. and this.. Perfection
Best thing. EVER
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