This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Class today: 2/26

1. Sign into
2. Click "assignment" tab on your profile page.
3. There you will see an assignment named "practice for Friday 2/27"
- From the feedback on your tests and on the Google Doc Feedback page.. I constructed some practice questions that addresses our highest need areas.
4. Remember that Test #2 needs to be completed by Monday.

Be ready for Monday:
We will have our Socratic Seminar addressing The Iliad- Books 1,6,22, An Iliad performance...
* Review your notes that you worked on as a group- Characterization, Epic Conventions, Epic Themes, Narration, Point of View
* Go through the 7 An Iliad questions and have some notes on your ideas about each question.
* Review the Socratic Seminar Scoring Guide and expectations.

Do not forget to have your non-fiction book from one of my lists signed up on the link for your class..  These presentations will be March 12th and March 13th.

Be good! ;)

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