In your small groups complete the following:
1. Select 4 sentences from Part 2 of TFA that your group can diagram. Keep in mind, you are going to be looking for sentences that are somewhat simple sentences or compounds. Its ok if there are a few words that you are unsure of their placement. We are going to be using these for the basis of your discussion of language.
- Talk about the placement of words.
- What is being emphasized?
- What is de-emphasized?
- What do you learn about meaning in its context by looking at its grammar?
TFA Discussion Questions- Socratic Seminar
Socratic Seminar Handout- Scoring Guide
Upcoming Schedule:
- Monday, April 1st: Quiz over Part 2 of Things Fall Apart
- Tuesday, Aprl 2nd: Finish preparation of discussion questions for Socratic seminar over Parts 1 and 2 of Things Fall Apart. 4th hour: WE WILL BE MEETING IN ROOM 2116 ON TUESDAY.
- Wednesday/Thursday, April 3rd/4th: Socratic Seminar over Things Fall Apart Parts 1 and 2.
- Friday, April 5th: Finish the book.
- Monday, April 8th: Quiz over entire book.