This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

State of the Union Assignment

Extra Credit Opportunity

The speech begins at 8:00 PM.
It will be on multiple channels, and online.

The White House Live Feed:
The White House SOTU Site

Here is a link to help you prepare for the issues that will be addressed:
What do you need to know about SOTU 2019


Considering Weber's definition of power, how does the genre of the speech represent an exercise of power? Of the three branches of government, how is power exercised in this speech event? 

1. Watch the State of the Union 2019.

2. Watch with a pen and paper. Take notes on specific examples where power is demonstrated. Yes, I want direct quotes, but I also want you to look beyond just the specific words... there are more expressions of power beyond just what is said.

3. Jot down as many ideas and conclusions that you can during the speech. You will be turning in the notes.

6. After you are done, responding to the prompt, write a summary of this experience. What did you learn? How did this type of listening approach help your comprehension?

THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE: JANUARY 11th at the beginning of class. Printed off and stapled to your handwritten notes.

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