Friday, May 5th:
1. Upload your notes over
Oedipus Rex to Google Classroom.
2. Read through the "Reading Shakespeare" Handout:
Reading Shakespeare Tips
3. Read and take notes on Shakespeare PowerPoint: Shakespeare Power Point
4. Start reading
Taming of the Shrew. Use the following questions to help guide your
comprehension of the Induction. An Induction is used to lead us into some of the
major questions that the play will address. It will set up a point of comparison to
what will be presented in the story of Kate and Petruchio.
The Induction:
1. Describe Sly. What is he like, and how is this shown?
2. Describe the dynamic between Sly and the hostess.
3. How does the lord’s speech distinguish him from Sly?
4. What trick does the lord intend to play on Sly? Why might he want to do this?
5. What role does the lord have in mind for his page, Barthol’mew?
6. How does this scene introduce the idea of two separate productions?
7. What does the first scene suggest about the tone of the play?
8. What question does the lord set out to answer? What question might Shakespeare be asking?
Monday, May 8th:
Have Induction of
Taming read for class.