This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Upcoming due dates: Boot Camp Conclusion and Aphorism Project

As we are finishing up the Steps of Writing, we will be also concluding the Alchemist aphorism project.

Therefore, you will need to do the following for. . .

MONDAY, October 3rd. 
1. Pick ONE of the two Boot Camp topics that you have completed Step 7 of Writing (Written draft). Again, pick one. From this writing sample, you will need to integrate TRANSITIONS and PARAGRAPHING into one of your writing samples. You will need to have this final step typed with MLA formatting. Your final copy will be on the top of the 1-7 steps. This all needs to be stapled together in reverse order (Step 1 on the bottom.... 8 on the top).  Do not wait to print at class time... you will not be allowed. Do it before!

For WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY, October 4th/5th. 
1. Your APHORISM PROJECT will be due in its entirety. This includes a final draft of the business letter AND the bumper sticker. You will find the template for the business letter on the right under "writing links". Use the BLOCK format. You will turn in the aphorism packet, the article that has been annotated, your colorful bumper sticker ALL with the business letter ON TOP.

We will be starting new "stuff" on Friday, September 30th. Therefore, notice the due dates are ahead of time. Stay current with new information, but manage your time effectively on the two upcoming due dates.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Class today: September 27th

1. With your two Boot Camp topics, you have completed Step 7 of Writing (Writing rough draft integrating source material).  You will switch the two bodies of writing with a partner. They will be proofing each body thoroughly.

Coding System:
1. Underline the thesis/claim
2. Count the three major supporting points 1, 2, 3
3. Mark I for the introduction (contextualizing, attributing to author) on quotes
4. Mark C for proper citation of the quote (parentheses... author last name if not mentioned before... page number... period AFTER the parentheses)
5. Mark E for proper and effective WARRANTS.
5. Mark A, B for each example given under their main supporting points. Do this for each supporting point.
6. Mark I, II, III, IV for the TYPES of quote embedding.
             I: Colon           (Intro complete sentence : Quote)
            II: Tag line (active verb.. not said... proper punctuation)
            III: Source in the middle of the quote (with proper punctuation)
            IV: Grammatically integrated into own sentence (sentence has subject/verb... no run on)

2. When you are done, return the writing. You will visually see what you have.. and don't have. Please read through your writing, when you are done, at the bottom of each section, please write a concluding sentence. This sentence needs to SYNTHESIZE your argument. This means that you emphasize the significance of the argument, or you reiterate what the reader should understand about you argument that you present.

3. Please take notes over the following links for Wednesday/Thursday:
 Introduction to Transitions

4. You will be having a quiz over Steps 1-7 of Writing September 28th/29th in class.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Due: Tuesday, September 27th

1. Pick TWO of your four Boot Camp topics. You should have an extended paragraph structure for each of these.
2. You will start writing from your thesis and follow your outline. As you write you will be integrating 'source' material. You will need the four ways of embedding a quote demonstrated in EACH extended paragraph structure.  You are actually writing now... not just planning.

- You may make up your source material for this exercise (and only this exercise). This assignment is about learning HOW to embed.
- We will pretend that your source is a book. Please reference the Purdue OWL and intext citation to do this correctly.
- When you are done, you will have two large chunks of writing with a minimum of 4 quotes each within. Make sure that you pay attention to the 4 things to remember when embedding a quote!

Type or handwritten... just make sure it is in hard copy form when you walk into class on Tuesday. You will not be allowed to go print it after class begins.

Grammar sentence diagramming handouts will be due on Tuesday. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Due: September 26th

To have completed/ready for Monday, September 26th
1. 2 Sentence Diagramming handouts/practice
2. Aphorism project business letter outline. 
3. All notes on sources/quotations in your notes. 
4. Have a binder/planner.

Class on Friday, September 23rd.
1. Sentence Diagramming Practice:
Subject, Predicate Sentence Diagramming Practice
Subject, Predicate, Adj., Adv., Diagramming Practice

2. Watch the following video on Motivation. Think about what motivates us. What do we miss when we focus on the extrinsic? What are the three things that motivate?
Puzzle of Motivation- Ted Talk

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Class: September 21st/22nd

1. In order to be ready for the next step of writing, I need you to go through and take notes on the following links found under "Writing Links". Go through in the following order:
  • "Cornell Guide to Sources"
  • "What must be cited"
  • "UNC Source Integration"
  • "Integrating quotes"
  • "Integrating Quotes- Tag line examples" 
Take very thorough NOTES on the above links. 
I will be introducing STEP 7 on Friday. After this, things will move very quickly. You will be putting these skills into play. Makes sure that your notes are accessible for you!

Classwork Inventory:
For Today, what should be done:
1. Steps 1-6 for 4 Boot Camp Topics
2. All 6 Steps easily accessible in your notes.
3. Progress made on outline for Aphorism business letter.
4. Sentence Diagram Prezi reviewed more than once.
5. Diagrams 1-4 in your notes.

For Friday, what should be done: 
1. Outline for Aphorism project's business letter.
2. Review practices on sentence diagramming.
3. Notes on sources and quote integration in your personal notes.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Class today (9/20) and upcoming week.

For class today (9/20) you should have the following done:
1. Steps of Writing 1-5 completed with your Boot Camp Topics.
2. 4 practice claims/thesis statements done from Monday's class.
3. Review and take notes on Sentence Diagramming Prezi.

For class on September 21st/22nd.
1. Add step 6 to Boot Camp Topics
2. Review Sentence Diagrams

For Friday, September 23rd
For your Aphorism project, you have done the following things:
          - Identified an aphorism from The Alchemist 
          - Explained the meaning and the overall value addressed in The Alchemist 
          - Examined a non-profit organization and picked one that you feel that aligns with the value
            you identified in your aphorism
          - Identified 5+ specific pieces of evidence from the non-profit site that supports your argument that this     specific aphorism would be an ideal message/slogan/aphorism for this non-profit..

Essentially... you have gone through steps 2-5 (and almost 6) of writing.

What is your research question?
What aphorism best represents the non-profit organization and why? 

Your Thesis:
The aphorism " ___________" best represents the ideals of ___________ non-profit because ___________________

Now... You have also come up with 5+ examples from the website that support your thesis. Can you "break up the topic"? Can they be linked under a larger topics (Think step 5 of writing)..
Are these examples better served as actual examples (Think step 6)?

1. THEREFORE... FOR FRIDAY, September 23rd.

*Please do an extended paragraph outline for your aphorism thesis (seen above)...
Outline... Fill it out.. do not write the paragraph.  You may need to revisit the website for another example(s) if possible.  Please include a brief warrant. As you start implement your backing, consult your secondary source.  This is a template.. .it may not fit EXACTLY to your needs for every point and example. Be able to adjust accordingly.

In the following structure, you need to address the COUNTER-CLAIM to your argument. Where would be the best location for its placement?

           I: Aphorism Thesis
                    A. Supporting point #1 (Broad point)
                                   1.  Example #1 (From website)
                                         - backing (secondary source)
                                   2. Example #2 (From website)
                                         - warrant
                                         - backing (secondary source)
                    B. Supporting point #2 (Broad point)
                                   1. Example #1 (From website)
                                          - backing (secondary source)
                                   2. Example #2 (From website)
                                         - backing (secondary source)
                   C. Supporting point #3 (Broad point)
                                 1. Example #1 (From website)
                                         - warrant
                                         - backing (secondary source)
                                2. Example #2 (From website)
                                          - warrant
                                         - backing (secondary source)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Class today: September 19th

1. We will practice writing a claim/thesis over the following four topics
  • Spirit Week
  • Pro-athlete salaries
  • Kardashians
  • National Anthem 
       1. Your formula
       2. Use of an active verb
       3. Your argument is debatable in an academic setting. (look at formality)
       4. Topic has been adjusted in size where necessary (up or down)
       5. You are answering "how" or "why"?

2. We will then go over Step Five of Writing: Basic "paragraph" Structure

3. We will be diving into Grammar Diagramming today.  Please go through the following presentation on the basics of diagramming: Sentence Diagramming Prezi

Homework: Go through the four Boot Camp Topics with Step 5 of Writing and take notes over the Diagramming Prezi.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Class today: September 16th.

Thesis Writing.... Got to Care!

1. Remember, the ultimate aspect of success in thesis/claim writing comes from the care in which you approach the content. You must start caring and forming opinions about the world around you! Therefore, read the following articles. Please note the opinions of the authors do not necessarily reflect my own.. the purpose of these specific articles are to engage your opinions on timely subjects.

No One Cares About Climate Change

Average Cost of Raising a Child

Emma Watson- WP

Why India's Narendra Modi

For each article, draw a t-chart in your notes and on one side take notes on WHAT YOU LEARNED and on the other side write WHAT YOU THINK.

This is, of course, is a style of higher level annotation where you are not only keeping track of new information... but also starting to form opinions about what you are reading!!  As you are gathering the "what"... you are starting to think of the "why" and "how".

Be thinking about the formula of the thesis/claim and the checklist as you are doing this activity.

2. When you have finished this, you will need to submit a document to Google Classroom with a THESIS STATEMENT for each t-chart/article.

HOMEWORK: Write a thesis/claim for EACH of the Writing Boot Camp subjects.. Go through and check them against the formula and checklist.

Remember: MONDAY IS "RED, WHITE, AND BLUE DAY" for Homecoming! I expect you all to be dressed in full spirit mode!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Due: Friday, September 16th

The following things should be done by Friday:
1. Aphorism project: Up through summarize the article.
2. Steps 1-3 with the 4 topics: Family, Pets, Food, Sports
       - make sure that each step is labeled clearly.
       - also make sure that you do all of Step 1 first... then Step 2... Step 3..
      -  do not put into your notes. You will turn in at the end of Step 8
3. Make sure that the diagnostic test for No Red Ink is done.

For Friday:
1. Take VERY good notes on the following material. I will go over it on Friday.

STEP 4 of Writing: Writing a THESIS OR CLAIM. 

Definition of THESIS: arguable main idea of a paper or paragraph
Purpose of Step 4: to provide analysis and argument of a topic, as well as providing a clear road map for the writer and the reader. 

Formula of a thesis: Subject + Attitude or Belief about this subject + Blueprint = Thesis

Checklist for evaluating a thesis:

1. Is the thesis/claim debatable? 
2. Does it answer an intellectual question? 
3. It is not a statement of fact (consider the audience). 
4.  Does it clearly point the direction of the argument (limiting it scope).
5. Is the language vivid and clear?
6. Is the point I’m making one that would generate discussion and argument, or is it one that would leave people asking, “So what?” (does it pass the "how" and "why" test?)
7. Does it use an active verb? (Avoids "Be Verbs... is, are, am, were)

** Try the revise exercise at the end.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Class today: September 13th

1. Please make sure that you have familiarized yourself with the two links on summarization that I posted last class period. Have good notes on both links!

2. Go to No Red Ink
      1st Hour: fd8efa4h
    4th Hour: wdvfcwh7
    7th Hour: 39e3va44

Please sign yourself into the class with the above class codes and take the diagnostic test found under assignments. This is due by Thursday, September 15th. 

4. Make sure that you are all caught up with the Aphorism Project up through the "summarization" request. 

Class today: September 12th

You will need to look at the following online sites/sources on aphorisms. In your discussions/notes, you will need to examine and then discuss the following:

1. What level of Bloom's does this site/source address?
2. In what way will/would this information speak to your academic audience?
3. How does each source fare in the BIG 4 CHECKLIST of SOURCE EVALUATION?
4. What are the differences that you see between the sources/sites?

1. Aphorisms Wikipedia 

Aphorisms Literary Devices

3. Alchemist Sparknotes

4. Aphorisms and Cliches Essay

After your discussion, you will need to scan through source 4... "Aphorisms and Cliches". It is a 20 page essay.  I am NOT asking you to read every word. I want you to practice scanning an article and pulling out the most pertinent information, quickly. To do this... look to the topic sentences of major sections. Look to concluding paragraphs in each sections. They will act to introduce the issue and then summarize the information.  (THIS IS A KEY BIT OF INSTRUCTION for your future research endeavors.

Aphorism project progress:
You will need to finish question 7 all the way through the "summation of the article".  This is due on your block day (Wednesday/Thursday).

Here are two good sources on Summarizing.
How to Summarize
How to summarize a research article


Friday, September 9, 2016

Due: Monday, September 12th

1.  Step 2 of Writing: Brainstorming! Clearing out the "stuff" AND giving us choice!
Take notes on the following handout: Brainstorming Handout

2.  A separate brainstorm for each of the following topics: PETS, FAMILY, FOOD, SPORTS
Put on paper separate from your notes. Label as Step 2

3.  Aphorism project- Continue question 7 with finding specific reasons why this aphorism ties with your chosen non-profit. Stop after finishing this step.

4. Socratic seminar sheet completed.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Class: September 6th and upcoming due dates


The following processes should already be completed and in your class notes: 
1. Review and take notes on the "annotating a text" handout.
2. Review the "informational text features" handout. This will help you look at textbooks/articles/essays with a renewed purpose.
3. Watch the "annotating a text" video. Take notes. This will take you through the process of annotating.. so you can see it in action. 
Annotating a Text Video

LMC Presentation Schedule: 
1st and 7th: Thursday, September 8th (Chrome Corral)
4th: Friday, September 9th and Monday, September 12th (Chrome Corral)

DUE: THURSDAY (1st and 7th hours)
1. Review and take notes on the Writing to an Academic Audience link... found under "writing links".
2. Open a Google Doc., then pick four of your classes that you are enrolled currently.
    a. Imagine you have been assigned a 3 page paper on a subject that you are currently studying in each class.
    b. You are going to do a thorough analysis of what you think EACH teacher/audience will or will not want in the written communication from you..  This can be a list/bullet points.
    c. To consider when doing this analysis: The information found above (academic audience link) + questions to consider that I gave you  + your experience so far in that class + explicit references from the teacher + implied directions from the teacher
    d. Make sure that you consider the "stuff" you want back from the written communication, so you can make sure that you have a realistic expectation of what your communication needs to achieve.

Characteristics you may mention:
Precise attention to grammar and mechanics.
Following citation guide to the letter.
Sources need to be strong and reputable.
Needs knowledge info... does not want knowledge level info..

Aphorism project-
Continue with your project with answering question 6... identifying the underlying VALUE of the aphorism.
Next, you will do PART of question 7. Here is the NONPROFIT organizations link:
Top 100 Nonprofit Organizations
STOP after you have found "the one" and jotted it down on the first part of question #7. Wait on the "six specific reasons".

4th Hour: 
1. Socratic Seminar will be 2nd half of class on WEDNESDAY! You will need your 6 questions for class on WEDNESDAY. Please make sure you have reviewed the scoring guide for the seminar.
2. Audience awareness assignment is due FRIDAY for your class, only.
3. Aphorism project, question 7, will be also due on FRIDAY. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Due: Tuesday, September 6th

1. Now that we have been introduced to the importance of critical thinking (art of questioning/Bloom's), we are able to engage in a text thoughtfully (annotating), and we can organize our notes to work for us (Cornell), we are going to utilize all of these skills as we encounter our next fabulous new skill: Reading Informational Texts!

 Please read and take effective notes on the following link: Informational Text Handout

Please watch the following video on chapter outlining: How to Outline a Chapter

Getting ready for the week of September 6-9th
1. We are getting ready for our FIRST SOCRATIC SEMINAR on The Alchemist on Friday, September 9th. (4th Hour will be WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th)
To do this...
Review very carefully the Socratic seminar handout to be familiar with the purpose of a Socratic seminar; be familiar with the guidelines of the seminar; be familiar with the differences between debate and dialogue; be familiar with the SCORING GUIDE for the seminar.

You need to understand the requirements of you as you participate in the seminar.


2. In order to be ready to go for the Socratic Seminar you will need to do the following 2 things:
       a. Write 5-6 higher level Bloom's questions on The Alchemist.
       b.  Have with you a thoroughly annotated text.