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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Class today: August 24/25... Due: Friday, August 26th

TONE: The general character or attitude of a text.

Remember.. determining TONE is a cumulative exercise.. Here are some hints at the elements to add together.

To do so... pay attention to the following elements:
          1. Diction (word choice)... What words are the characters using.. and at what times? What words does the author use to describe certain circumstances? Connotative meaning.. Denotative meaning.. Inference.. Choices.. choices.. choices.. Choices have cumulative impacts...
2.  Imagery (words and phrases that invoke the reader's senses).... How does the author describe certain scenes? Events? Imagery is used to draw in the reader so they experience the text... this, too, has a cumulative effect on tone.
3. Characterization (the manner in which a character is developed by the author).... How does the author USE his/her characters? How are they developed? How do they interact with each other?
4. Plot (the sequence of events).... WHAT happens? WHEN?  WHY? Why does a certain event happen at a certain point? Why does it follow what it does? Why does a certain event follow IT?
5. Reader response (The role of reader experiences and influence of interpretation)... How the reader responds to all of the above DOES play a role in determining TONE... is it influencing TOO much? Is the reader's response overpowering the author's intentions? Must be considered!

(I would have the above in your notes for class at the end of Tuesday, by the way)

NOW.... I want you to consider the above.. this should give you PLENTY of direction to search..

Once you have determined a full-blooded, fleshy adjective to describe TONE of The Alchemist by examining the APHORISMS.. you need to find EVIDENCE to prove your conclusion. TEXT... You will have a list of QUOTES. Remember citation... MLA.

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