This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY, November 11th/12th

Ciao, e tutti! 
As I told you during class, I will be posting everything here and collecting most of it via Google Classroom. I had to post everything before I left, so find the appropriate date to help guide you. One thing builds on the next, so do it in order and do not jump ahead. Pay attention to WHEN AND WHERE things are due!
Be good! I'll miss you!

1.      Simply, you are going to be answering the following prompts, but notice, they are evaluative. By answering the prompt you are developing an argumentative CLAIM (remember, a claim/thesis is an answer to an intellectual question)
2.      Once you answer the prompt, you are going to develop this argument with support (think of the extended paragraph structure). Your argument will need specific textual support, warrants, and transitions. Write until your argument is complete.
3.      Make sure that you are citing your text correctly. The scenario for this text is that it is a work from an anthology with no author. You will need to consult the OWL to do the in text citations correctly.
4.      Focus upon BOTH your writing structure AND your thought process.

You will answer two prompts and submit them via Google Classroom.

Prompt #1:

What characteristic of the EPIC HERO do you believe best embodies the character of Gilgamesh and why do you feel he is developed in this manner? 

Prompt #2:

Do you feel that the character Gilgamesh is more a general archetype or a specific literary character? Why? 

1.       Take notes on the class website over the following content:
The Myth 
* Myth is a constant among all human being in all times. The pattern stories, even details contained in myth are found everywhere and among every one. This is because myth is a shared heritage of ancestral memories, related consciously from generation to generation.

1. Myth may even be part of the structure of our unconscious mind, possibly encoded in our genes. eg. "the Oedipus complex" and "the Electra complex"
2. Myth is a telling of events that happened before written history, and of a sense of what is to come. 3. Myth is the thread that holds past, present, and future together.
4. Myth is a unique use of language that describes the realities beyond our five senses.  It fills the gaps between the images of the unconscious and the language of conscious logic.
5. Myth is the glue that holds societies together; it is the basis of identity for communities, tribes, and nations.  (Hero worship and gender, social, national identity)
6. Myth is an essential ingredient in all codes of moral conduct.   The rules for living have always derived their legitimacy from their origins in myth and religion.
7. Myth is a pattern of beliefs that give meaning to life. Myth enables individuals and societies to adapt to their respective environments with identity and value. (Joseph Campbell--the power of myth)

Myths tell us about (1) our relationships with each other, (2) our relations with the gods or god (the cosmos), and (3) our relationship to the natural world and all species that inhabit it.

1. Read over and add the above information about myths in your notes.

2. In your notes, provide examples of how The Epic of Gilgamesh functions as a myth (meaning… where do you see evidence of these characteristics in the section of Gilgamesh we read).

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