This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Stasimon Assignment: April 6th

1. You will be partnered with a classmate for this assignment.
2. On Thursday you will be performing a reading of the stasimon with your partner. After you are done reading the stasimon, you will break the stasimon down for your classmates. You are going to teach it.
3. Today (Monday), you will do a close reading of your assigned stasimon. While you are scrutinizing it, look for/ be able to explain/do the following:

  • Be able to summarize the different structural components of the stasimon.
  • Be able to identify and explain the historical/cultural allusions that Sophocles mentions within this stasimon (research)
  • Be able to identify poetic/literary devices used within the stasimon and explain their significance to the overall chorus/play.. For example- tone, symbolism, theme, mood, allusions, deus ex machina, any Aristotelian conventions of tragedy
  • Be able to explain the relevance/context of his stasimon to the entire play
  • Be able to explain how this specific stasimon works into the Aristotelian definition of tragedy.
4. Have the above done before Tuesday... on Tuesday, you will be meeting/discussion/planning with your partner in how you will present on Thursday. Tuesday will be more about the presentation than the content.

5. Figure out how to appropriately tie a toga. Yes, I am fully aware of the history of togas.. this is not for historical accuracy.. this is more for my entertainment..
Toga History

Kommos: Kommos Wiki

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