This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Class Thursday, 12/4/14

As I told most classes on Tuesday, I am at a funeral today. Because you have so much to do in the next week, I am giving you today as a work day. Utilize it. This is a rare privilege, so you will need to work on either your paper OR read your independent novel. I don't care if you listen to music, but stay off your phones. And listen to good music, for goodness sake... Try some Rolling Stones or Rachmoninov.... It is seriously NOT "All about da bass".... (A little nauseous just from typing it).

Speaking of independent novels, I have posted the rubric... Look over it... I'll answer questions on Friday. Also make sure your book is current and accurate on the sign up list; I am writing questions starting tomorrow. 

A handwritten draft is due on Friday... Try to have as much done as possible. This draft is just getting it out.. No worries about technicalities. 

Email me if you have questions. 

Slick is watching you!

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