This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Due: Friday, October 10th

1. You will need to think about the following prompts (which you notice are questions).

Three prompts for consideration:
              1. Should college be free? 
              2. Should high schools have the right to drug test? 
              3. Should a crime be considered more heinous if it is against a certain population? 

2. Next, please answer each prompt and format it as a thesis/claim. Go through and double check that it is arguable, topic has been minimized (if needed), and it has a direction of argument.

The prompt is considered a research question and you have now developed a workable thesis..

Have these three theses/claims done FOR class on FRIDAY.

Remember: Business letter for aphorism project.

Class on Friday:

3. You are now going to need to find THREE SOURCES of support for EACH thesis/claim. Here are two LMC databases that will be ideal in evidence retrieval.

Opposing Viewpoints Database

Global Issues in Context Database

4. Next, in the Google DOC I have created, do the following:
  - Write down your THESIS for the first prompt.
 -  Write down the proper WORKS CITED INFORMATION for EACH SOURCE that you found for this specific THESIS.
 -   You will also write down the proper way to do an IN-TEXT/Parenthetical Citation for this source. (The great thing is once you figure it out once.. it should be close to the same for the remaining sources)
- Follow the line of questioning that will guide you through source evaluation and application.
  - Do this for EACH source...  For EACH THESIS.
- It will be a good idea to SAVE your article to a Google folder so you will have access to these articles in the future.

This will be: 3 thesis statements, 9 works cited citations, and 9 in-text citations

Google doc for sources
- Copy this document to your own drive- DO NOT WRITE ON IT!
- I have only done the list of questions for thesis #1... you will need to copy the questions for thesis 2 and 3.

Please reference the PURDUE OWL LINK- for the proper way to cite the source choice.

Purdue OWL- MLA Citation Style Guide

This entire process- completed form is due on TUESDAY, October 14th. 

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