This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Friday, August 31, 2018

FRIDAY, August 31st

Happy Friday, Y'all!

1. Please turn in your "Single Story" Socratic seminar reflection sheet.

2. Today is a work day on your Alchemist final assessment project.
Remember... this project is DUE on Monday, September 3rd by 11:59 PM to Schoology. 

Works Cited Questions:

Find a sample works cited page HERE: OWL Sample Works Cited Page
Creating a hanging indent in Google Docs instructions HERE: Create Hanging Indent


Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date.

Translated book:

Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.
      Translated by Richard Howard, Vintage-Random House, 1988.

Article from a Web page:

Lundman, Susan. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow,
     /how_10727_make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015.

Video/Ted Talk: 

Author’s Name or Poster’s Username. “Title of Image or Video.” Media Type Text.
     Name of Website. Name of Website’s Publisher, date of posting. Medium. date retrieved.

Shimabukuro, Jake. "Ukulele Weeps by Jake Shimabukuro." Online video clip. YouTube.
     YouTube, 22 Apr. 2006. Web. 9 Sept. 2010.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday/Thursday, August 29th/30th

1. Adichie Ted Talk and The Alchemist Socratic seminar.

  • Ted Talk information sheet due by the end of class today. 
  • Socratic seminar reflection sheet is due Friday, August 31st at the beginning of class. 
2. The Alchemist final assessment. You will be constructing a Google Slide Presentation addressing the literary value of The Alchemist.

  • Introduction slide- 
  • Coelho's pertinent biographical information- cite source on slide
  • Personal interpretation of what you see as Coelho's philosophies/author purpose as explored in The Alchemist with specific textual examples. Cite evidence. 
  • Your definition of personal legend and your explanation of how this idea is explored in The Alchemist. 
  • Definition of the literary devices: tone, diction, point of view, figurative language
  • Examples of the literary devices usage in The Alchemist with an accompanying explanation of the significance or impact of the device usage. 
  • Connections that exist between The Alchemist and other texts addressed in class so far: Ted Talks, Brene' Brown, Roosevelt. 
  • Reflection of the significance of reading this book at the beginning of the sophomore year. 
  • Works cited page: The Alchemist and any other texts cited. 
Submit to Schoology by Monday, September 3rd (11:59 PM).

Things to consider: 
  • Slide structuring... amount of slides, order, what goes on each page... is up to student discretion. 
  • This project needs to reflect critical thinking about each text, not summarizing of the text. 
  • Utilize graphics to enhance your work. 
  • Bullet pointing of ideas is fine.. just make sure that you explain yourself clearly. 
  • Works Cited Questions: Purdue OWL MLA Citation page

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday, August 28th

1. Your first literary argument written statement is due today.

2. With The Alchemist, we have examined the figurative language and meaning in the text, the author purpose in writing the text, and now we are going to look at its cultural significance.

This process, approach, that we have taken with The Alchemist is the introduction to how we will examine literary texts this year.

Language... author position . . . cultural product.

3. The Ted Talk for today is by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.  Adichie, like Duckworth, was awarded the MacArthur Genius Grant. She has written the novels, The Purple Hibiscus, Half of a Yellow Sun, and We Should All Be Feminists.  This Ted Talk challenge viewers to look beyond the "single story" perspective that is easy to adopt.

As you are using the Ted Talk handout to generally take notes on this presentation, please consider the following:
  • Why is representation of different cultures critical in literature? 
  • It what way do we see Coelho explore the concept of the single story within his book, The Alchemist
  • How do we as readers of The Alchemist fall into the trap of the single story as we are reading Coelho's story? 
  • What aspects of society.. gender, religion, geography, economy... do we see find susceptible to the single story? How? Examples?
Bring 6 questions addressing Adichie's Ted Talk/ Multiple texts/ The Alchemist. 
Finish your Ted Talk handout.

Monday, August 27, 2018

August 27th

1. Take out your notes of your argument of author purpose.

You were asked of the three author purposes... Persuade, Inform, and Entertain... is the most representative of Coelho's purpose for writing The Alchemist.

2. Gather into like-minded groups. (settled on an argumentative side)

3. Using the big piece of paper, your group will post your most significance evidence support for your position on author purpose. You do not need to post the same evidence twice. (brainstorming evidence)

4. When each side is done posting their evidence, the group will work to identify the "how" for each example. What literary device do you think is being showcased in each quote. There are multiple device choices, it will be your explanation that will be significant in how it supports your author purpose argument. (connecting the evidence to the "how" the author achieves this purpose)

5. Your group will then select the five best examples. (Selecting most significant evidence for argument)

For Tuesday:

You will prepare a small writing sample (not a full paper) answering the question that you prepared for today...

What is Coelho's purpose for writing The Alchemist? 

  • MLA Heading
  • First sentence will begin... "Paulo Coelho's purpose for writing The Alchemist is . . . "
  • Using the five examples that your group settled upon, present the quote starting with "Coelho writes/describes/explains/contends, ". . . . . . . . "
  • With each of the quotes, identify what literary device Coelho utilizes in the quote to support your argument. 
  • Explain how each quote supports your argument. 
  • Cite each quote with (Coelho). Period goes after parentheses.
  • Conclude your writing sample with the following sentence... "Therefore, it is evident that Paulo Coelho's ultimate purpose for writing The Alchemist is to ______"
  • Post to Schoology by class on Tuesday, August 28th. 

Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday, August 24th

FOR CLASS: using Coelho's 10 Rules for Success, you found evidence in The Alchemist to support these rules expressed in interviews by the author.

In your small groups, you will do the following:
1. Starting with Coelho's first rule, discuss the meaning of this rule and what you think Coelho means by this rule.
2. Discuss how this rule is represented within The Alchemist. Make sure that you add to your own notes evidence that your group members present.
3. Following the first rule, your group may select the rules that follow that you all feel resonate the most in The Alchemist. 

Literature: A product of humanity written to explain what it is like to be human. 

The three reasons that authors write are usually condensed into P.I.E: Persuade. Inform. Entertain. 

From your work today, you started examining the author's purpose for writing his text. Pulling from Coelho's interviews, we saw some insight into his philosophies on life.


You are to select ONE of the general author's purposes for writing. Persuade. Inform. Entertain. (Yes, a book can do all three, but we are going to be settling on one driven purpose)

Using your group discussion... aphorisms... general notes... you are going to gather as much evidence to prove that your selected purpose is the ONE driving factor for Coelho's writing of The Alchemist. 

This list of evidence will go in your notes.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday/Thursday, August 22nd/23rd

** If you have not marked that you have submitted the syllabus signature form on Google Classroom, please do so by the end of class!! 

Socratic Seminar Day!

1. Grit Survey:Grit Scale Survey

2. Review the purpose and guidelines of a Socratic Seminar.

3. Socratic seminar over Ted Talk- "Grit", drawing in previous texts from first week.

4. Socratic seminar reflection sheet: Socratic Seminar Reflection. MAKE A COPY then CLOSE MINE. Print off. Due on Friday, August 24th *** I made a hard copy for you.

5. Socratic Seminar.. continued. The Alchemist. 

Remember the definition of one of our first literary terms- APHORISM and its 5 defining characteristics. Make sure that these are in your notes.

Located in your notes, you should have examples of APHORISMS found within The Alchemist. 

  • In your large group, work to populate a large list of these aphorisms,
  • While clarifying the fact that they are indeed aphorisms by the checklist you were given.
  • As you are discussing the defining principals of each quote, I would like for your group to discuss the larger figurative meaning of the identified aphorism and ponder what it contributes to the larger meaning of the text.
  • The major points of your discussion will needed to be added to your notes. They will be helpful down the road.

After having quite the discussion with your peers, and hopefully multiple additions to your list of aphorisms, in your notes What have you learned more about the book? The characters? The text's goals? The text's accomplishments? Your understanding?

6. Coelho's 10 Rules for Success.

How do Coelho's Rules for Success connect to what you read and understand about The Alchemist. Put these in your notes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ted Talk Tuesday! Tuesday, August 21st.

For today, you should have 5 aphorisms from The Alchemist in your notes.

1. Open up to Schoology. Post 3 of your 5 aphorisms you worked on for class today.

Explain the meaning of the aphorism by pointing out:
  • Key diction used and significance of these words to creating meaning.
  • What advice does this aphorism appear to imply? (Use your inferring skills)
  • Two places that you might find this aphorism, and how does it connect to that location/place/situation? 
2. Ted Talk Tuesday. Each Tuesday we will have "Ted Talk Tuesday"! These amazing lectures will link to our class in multiple ways... It might be through the content discussed in the lecture, or the manner of communication the speaker utilizes, or the approach to the content, or all of the above!

These Ted Talks will lead us into Wednesday/Thursday Socratic Seminar. So, understand that you will have to "produce" from these lectures. Note taking is expected and necessary.

Ted Talk Expectations: 
1. Thoughtfully complete the class handout. This handout addresses the speaker's argument, the manner in which they present, their appeal to their audience, the content addressed, etc.

2. Take notes, specific references, on the way that this Ted Talk ties into the course/current study/texts.

3. Take notes, specific references, on the way that this Ted Talk relates to you, personally.

4. Write 4 open-ended questions on the content/your notes to raise during the Socratic seminar the following class period.

For Wednesday/Thursday:  Ted Talk/ The Alchemist Socratic Seminar
1. Start organizing your notes for your first Socratic Seminar, which will take place during the block day.  Review the Socratic Seminar Handout found HERE: Socratic Seminar Expectations
2. Write 4 open-ended questions that derive from the notes you have taken. What questions will lead the conversation further.... Write 2 of these open-ended questions to address how the Ted Talk relates to the studied texts so far in class.
4. Make sure your handout is complete. You will be turning this in to Mrs. Cole.
5. Write 3 open-ended questions addressing The Alchemist. I would encourage you to address the literary devices we have been emphasizing so far this year- tone, point of view, diction, etc.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday, August 20th

For today you were asked to reflect upon the manner in which you will attempt to become the (Wo)Man in the Arena this school year.

With this personal reflection, you were asked to utilize three textual sources... Teddy Roosevelt, Brene' Brown, and Paulo Coelho.

You have also utilized the metaphorical concept of the arena in application to your own life.


1. Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals; courage and resolve. 

"Your dreams are on the other side of your grit"

2. Literary Terms:


APHORISM: A one-lined statement that expresses a truth about life. Aphorisms often express an opinion or wisdom.

Therefore... aphorisms are both representative in language and meaning, plus applicable across multiple texts.  (See.. bringing it all together)

  1. Language is figurative in meaning.
  2. Universal meaning... applies to more than one text.
  3. Offers advice.
  4. Applicable to everyone.
  5. No names/specific references. 
We will review a list of common/popular aphorisms found here: Aphorism List

2. Pick four of the listed aphorisms.  Post these in your notes with some space after each line.
  • As a whole, what is the general meaning of the aphorism? 
  • Pick key diction in the aphorism and explain how these key words have multiple meanings/interpretations. 
  • What advice does the statement offer? 
  • List at least 3 types of texts that one might find this aphorism in use? How?
  • In your notes, find a minimum of 5 aphorisms in The Alchemist. 
  • Go through the similar process that we did in class. 
  • Review the class syllabus (found under "Important Links" on the right). 
  • Sign and submit the syllabus confirmation form: SYLLABUS CONFIRMATION FORM

Friday, August 17, 2018

Happy Friday! August 17th


1. First, a powerful voice and an even more powerful woman died yesterday- Aretha Franklin.
I encourage you to read through what this amazing woman challenged our country to "think" about considering how we treat each other. Aretha Franklin had Power: Did We Truly Respect it? - NY Times

Aretha Franklin- "Respect"
"You Make Me Feel"- Aretha Franklin
"Think"- Aretha Franklin

Remember to complete the Yearbook survey, if you have not done so already.
Found here: Yearbook Survey

2. Annotating a text:

ANNOTATION: Taking notes or marking a text in a exploratory and meaningful manner. 
TEXT: Anything and everything

The big idea is this: what we do when reading should align with

1. why we're doing the reading in the first place and

2. what we're going to do with the reading after we're done.

If your purpose for reading is to learn the content:
  • Summarize a sentence or paragraph
  • Paraphrase a sentence or paragraph
  • Circle and define key words
If your purpose for reading is to end by responding to a specific prompt:
  • Annotate toward that prompt. 
  • If you’re being asked to evaluate, make evaluative annotations. 
    • Evaluate- form an idea about the text; assess
  • If you're being asked to analyze, make analytical annotations.
    • Analyze- examine methodically for the purpose of explanation/interpretation; study, scrutinize 
Today in class: 

You will be constructing a written response to the following prompt: 
In what ways can you attempt to become the "(Wo)Man in the Arena" this school year, and why is this absolutely necessary as a learner? 

1. Google Document- MLA Heading
2. Reference specifically the Roosevelt quote, Brene' Brown, and The Alchemist.  Cite Roosevelt, Coelho, and Brown with your specific quotes.  Ex: (Roosevelt), (Brown), (Coelho)
3. Answer both parts of the question. 
4. DUE to Schoology by class on Monday. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday, August 16th

1. Review processes for summer reading.

2. YEARBOOK SURVEY: Yearbook Back to School Survey

3. Discussion: "Man in the Arena" quote.
- Classroom discussion expectations
- Turn in questions

Are you familiar with the following terms:
Summarize, Diction, Tone, Point of View, Source, Infer? 


For Friday, August 17th, please read the article, "Want to be Happy? Stop Trying to be Perfect". I gave you this in hard-copy form for a specific purpose. I want you to interact with the document by annotating as you read. This means write on it. You will also want to transfer ideas onto your notes so you can access them easily for Friday's discussion.

Here is a digital copy for you, just in case. Nevertheless, make sure you have a hard copy when youcome to class.
"Want to be Happy? Stop Trying to be Perfect" Article

ANNOTATION: Taking notes or marking a text in a exploratory and meaningful manner. 
TEXT: Anything and everything

Some suggestions in annotating this article..
  • Look at the title. What do you think of when you read it? What stands out to you?
  • What ideas do you find intriguing? What haven't you thought about before? What do you agree with? Disagree with? 
  • What terms are important to understand the meaning of the text? 
  • What words spark more dimensions than just the basic denotation (dictionary definition). More emotions? More meaning? Specific perspective/bias? 
  • What can you relate with in this article? What other sides/perspectives do you recognize? 
  • What connections can you make with the ideas expressed in this article with what you read in The Alchemist?
  • What connections can you make with Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" quote? 
  • Identify two points that come from your annotations that you can share in discussion on Thursday. Make sure that these are clearly written down.. and findable for class on Friday. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Awesome Students~ This website will be your best friend this year! I post assignments, notes, assignment sheets, extra help, announcements, funny memes, etc. ALL HERE!!! Please check this daily!

1. Make sure that your summer reading (one document) is uploaded to by 4:00 PM on August 15th (THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL). You were sent an email on August 6th with detailed instructions on how to to upload your assignment.

2. Complete the questions over the Roosevelt quote.You will be turning these in on Thursday at the beginning of class.

Image result for first day of school high school meme