This is the home of Schulenberg's AS10 class. It is at this site where you may find homework assignments from class, inquiry requests, and supporting documents for class material.

Friday, September 29, 2017

October 3rd

We are going to practice crafting a message, using audience awareness.

1. With a classmate, you will construct a group explanation of the car accident. Open one document, and share it with the other. You will each submit this document to Google Classroom.

You were in a slight, no-injury, car accident...
As a group, you will construct an explanation of the accident for three different audiences..
1. Your parents.
2. Your insurance company.
3. Your Best Friend.

Consider the purpose of communication AND audience awareness. What needs to be included? What needs to be omitted? What about the tone? What is the ultimate purpose for each audience?

Use your notes from last week to craft your explanation.

FOR Wednesday/Thursday: 
1. Review and take notes on the Writing to an Academic Audience link...REALLY IMPORTANT!!! FOUND HERE:
Audience Awareness Advice- Formal Audience
2. Open a Google Doc., then pick THREE of your classes that you are enrolled currently.
    a. Imagine you have been assigned a 3 page paper on a subject that you are currently studying in each class.
    b. You are going to do a thorough analysis of what you think EACH teacher/audience will or will not want in the written communication from you..  This can be a list/bullet points.
    c. To consider when doing this analysis: The information found above (academic audience link) + questions to consider that I gave you  + your experience so far in that class + explicit references from the teacher + implied directions from the teacher
    d. Make sure that you consider the "stuff" you want back from the written communication, so you can make sure that you have a realistic expectation of what your communication needs to achieve.

Characteristics you may mention:
Precise attention to grammar and mechanics.
Following citation guide to the letter.
Sources need to be strong and reputable.
Needs knowledge info... does not want knowledge level info..

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27th/28th

1. Introduction to the Art of Communication. Induction into "Writing Boot Camp".

2. Step #1 of Writing: Audience Awareness:

President Obama's White House Correspondence Dinner Speech

President Obama's Newtown Speech

Audience Awareness Speech Evaluation Handout

3. Read and take notes on the following information on Audience awareness. Put this in a place that you will easily be able to access this information.

Writing for an academic audience HANDOUT

4. Quiz on Friday over this information.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday, September 26th

You have submitted your annotated bibliography... YAY! It's done!

We are getting started today with the World of Writing!

To do this, we are going to start with a grammar/mechanics conventions diagnostic test to
see what components we need to attend to as we work to improve our effective written communication...

This quiz is located on
You were given your class code during class.

Please complete the quiz by 3:00 PM on Wednesday, September 27th.

After you have finished your quiz, it will take you through your missed questions.
I would suggest you do this!

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25th

1. Your complete Annotated Bibliography is DUE today at the end of the class period today.

Please Review:
  • The checklist you used for the first annotation and check it against annotation 2 and 3. 
  • Make sure that your 3 annotations are alphabetized... not in the order that you completed them.
  • Look at the sample annotated bibliography with multiple sources and make sure that your annotated bibliography looks EXACTLY like this sample.. spacing, formatting. 
  • Double check your MLA citation for each annotation.
  • Go thoroughly through the scoring guide for this assignment. (Found in Friday's post).
2. Upload to Google Classroom BY THE END OF CLASS.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday, September 22nd

1. You are coming to class today with your 2 sources that you have already read and noted.
2. Using your cleaned up/perfected Annotation #1 as your guide, you will be creating annotations for sources 2 and 3.


  • You will be adding these two annotations to your document with your already written/edited ANNOTATION #1. 
  • You will need to ALPHABETIZE your annotation entries... SO, the first one you have written MAY become the second or third in order... it will depend upon the authors of the two sources you have found.  
  • DO NOT repeat the MLA Heading with each new annotation.  You will just be adding the two sources to your already established document. Look again at the sample annotated bibliography with instruction. This source has multiple annotations. Your document will look like this. 
3.  Create your citation for your next source. Look at the database citation suggestion, but double check it against the OWL guide.

4. Write your three paragraphs for this source. 1st: Summary. 2nd: Assessment. 3rd: Reflection

5. Repeat for your 3rd source.

6. Review the entire document. Use the checklist that you were given for the first annotation to help review your following 2 annotations.  Compare it AGAIN to the sample annotated bibliography with the multiple sources.

7. Review the scoring guide for this assignment: Found HERE: Annotated Bibliography Scoring Guide

Your complete ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY with three annotations is DUE at the end of class on MONDAY, September 25th to GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September 20th/21st (Wednesday/Thursday)

Picture Day!!!

1. You have come into class today with your FIRST annotation printed off and ready for review.

2. You will have TWO classmates review your annotation. You will utilize the following checklist to review and proof the first annotation. Annotated Bib Peer Proof Checklist.  Have each proofreader use the same checklist sheet.

Proofreaders: In addition to using the checklist to review the annotation, also open up the sample annotation example to make sure that they look IDENTICAL! However, there does not need the 2 double spaces between paragraphs as the sample shows

3. When you get your proofed/reviewed annotation back after being examined by TWO classmates, thoughtfully make adjustments/corrections.  You will want to look through the sample annotation example, yourself, as you are cleaning up/perfecting this first annotation.

NOW....  after you have cleaned up your first annotation for a final draft....

4.  You will be finding... on your own... TWO MORE SOURCES for your argument to add to your annotated bibliography.  These sources will  work to support the thesis you have chosen on technology in the classroom.

Please visit the LMC Databases to find your ideal sources: LSNHS LMC Research Databases

You have already been guided through the process of:
  • Evaluating an effective source
  • Note taking when reading a source
  • Finding the correct citation information on a source, and writing it, using MLA formatting
For FRIDAY, September 22nd:
Bring to class your two articles that have been read and have your thorough notes with you. Replicate the process we used for the first article.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 19th

Today you will be creating the first annotation from the "Book World" article that you prepared for today.

1. Take out the sample annotation that you marked yesterday. Also, open up the sample Annotated Bibliography with Instruction link that we examined yesterday. It is the perfect "how to" for the Annotated Bibliography.

2. Open up a Google Document and start formatting your page- Header, MLA heading, Colon title, etc.

3. Provide the bibliography information citation first. Yes, look at the bottom of the source for this information, BUT, double check that it is updated to MLA 8 edition. To do this, check HERE: Online Database Citation- MLA  Scroll down to online database citation example, and make sure that you have all the needed information.. take out what you don't need.

4.  Start writing your 3 paragraphs... FIRST- The Summary of the article. SECOND- The Assessment of the source (use the LMC guidelines). THIRD- The Reflection of how the source can be used in your argument. You will need to integrate TWO direct quotes from the article within your writing. Make sure you introduce your quote and cite it correctly. 

Davidson explains that "she has used technology to help her students work more effectively in groups" (Roth).

** Note that Davidson is the author of the BOOK that ROTH is reviewing in the article.
** Also note that I used the word "that" in my introduction of a quote.. this means NO COMMA.

  • Write in 3rd person POV... no "I" and, really no "YOU". 
  • Double spaced
  • Block indent of all of the paragraphs
  • Citation uses hanging indent on second and sequential lines of the citation
  • Look at the example and then look at your formatting... identical? 
  • Have 2 direct quotes within your writing... introduced and cited correctly. 
5. When finished, you will need to PRINT OFF your annotation for class on Wednesday/Thursday to bring TO class. You will not use the digital copy for class... nor will you be allowed to print during class.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday, September 17th


1. Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography.

An annotated bibliography is a critical review of specific secondary source material that will be used in a research project/paper. This assignment requires that you read a source carefully, be able to summarize the argument, assess its value as source material, reflect upon its usefulness in aiding your research.

Think to a works cited page at the end of a paper/project. This is a list of books/articles/etc. that have been used in constructing an effective argument within a paper. An annotated bibliography is this list, but notes (annotations) are added with each source explaining the following 3 things:
  • Summary of the source
  • Assessment of the source
  • Reflection of the value of the source to a specific project
2. We will first look at a sample annotation. We will be calling one source (i.e. book/article) with its explanation of the three actions above as an "annotation".

As you look over the sample annotation, please label/mark the following components:
  1. Header with last name and page number
  2. MLA standard heading (with name, instructor, etc.)
  3. Colon method title
  4. Double spacing :)
  5. Correct citation for the source (book)
  6. Block indention for all three paragraphs
  7. Source Summary Paragraph
  8. Highlight some phrases that emphasize the summarizing. 
  9. Source Assessment Paragraph
  10. Highlight some lines that indicating the author making judgment calls on the source. 
  11. Source Reflection Paragraph
  12. Highlight some lines that indicate how the author will USE this book for his/her work. 
  13. 3rd Person POV writing
3.  After you have marked the important "to notice/replicate" items on the sample annotation, please look over the full sample of an annotated bibliography found here: Annotated Bibliography with INSTRUCTION

4. To get us started on our Annotated Bibliography, I am going to make this round a little easier on you all, by giving you the foundation of a thesis/claim/argument, which you will be finding two articles to support.

Pick your argument
  • Technology enhances learning in a secondary classroom by giving students access to more information. 
  • Technology detracts from learning in a secondary classroom by minimizing the need for critical thinking skills. 
I will also be supplying your first source for this argument. You will be writing your first ANNOTATION FOR THIS SOURCE.  FOUND HERE: Book World: Technology in the Classroom .
I gave you a copy in class. The WC information is located on the digital copy ^.

1. Read and take notes on the "Book World" article.  Remember, you are going to be asked to summarize it, assess it, and reflect upon its use for your argument. Go through the process of assessing a source (learned from the LMC presentation).  Mark specific quotes that are supportive of the stance you are taking. Thoroughly take notes. This will help the next step of creating our first annotation (on Tuesday). Source evaluation is IMPORTANT... use this process to thoughtfully train in evaluating sources.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 12th

The Alchemist and Harry Potter Aphorism Google Slide Project: 

You have gathered examples of aphorisms from The Alchemist. You have also double checked their classification of an aphorism and discussed their meanings. From this, you have been looking for the meaning of these aphorisms in another text, Harry Potter. 

You will now be constructing a Google Slide presentation of your findings.
This project will be due FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th at the end of the class hour.

The requirements for this project:

1. Present 7 aphorisms from The Alchemist cited correctly using MLA.
2. Explain how each aphorism is actually an aphorism (the checklist).
3. Meaning of each aphorism.
4. Explanation of why and how each aphorism is significant in The Alchemist. 
5. An example from Harry Potter showing where the meaning of each aphorism from The Alchemist can be applied.
6. Reflection upon how The Alchemist and Harry Potter have similarities beyond the surface story/plot.
7. Reflection of the importance of aphorisms in understanding a text beyond the surface level.
8. Works Cited Slide- MLA Citation (Will be your last slide)
9.  Title slide with an academic title and your name. (Will be your first slide)
                           How to write a title LINK HERE: Writing an academic title
10. 5 images minimum throughout presentation.. must be cited on page of image and in works cited page.

Citation Questions:
MLA In-text Citation
Cite a book
Cite a Film
Cite a Digital Image
Sample Works Cited Page
Citing an E Book

Monday, September 11, 2017

September 11th


1. Today is our first Socratic Seminar over The Alchemist. Make sure that you have your five upper level Bloom's questions and your text.

The TARGETS of this seminar:
  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of the text
  • Develop higher level questions that reveal critical thought of the text
  • Participate in higher level seminar that explores multiple perspectives
  • Demonstrate active learning in developing a group conversation
2. Once the seminar concludes, hop over to Google Classroom. You will reflect upon the seminar you just participated in during class. Please submit your reflection by class time Tuesday, September 12th.

3. Bring your aphorism notes to class on Tuesday.

This date is significant in American History and representative of the best of the American/Human Spirit.... Please take some time to look through the stories that came out of the devastation and darkness. On this day, I think of a famous anecdote told by Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)...

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'"

911 Memorial Site

Pentagon Memorial Site

Flight 93 Memorial Site

CSPAN Video Clips- 9/11

Image result for 9/11 images         

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6th/7th

1. We have started our journey into inquiry/questioning. After watching "Why Do We Ask Questions", and being introduced to Bloom's Taxonomy...

In your notes please pick 5 assignments/activities we have done in the first 3 weeks of school and identify the level of Bloom's Taxonomy that the assignment asks the student to employ.

For Friday,
We are getting ready for our FIRST SOCRATIC SEMINAR on The Alchemist. 
You will need 5 higher level questions addressing The Alchemist. Utilize the Bloom's Question Stems to help formulate your questions.

To do this...
Review very carefully the Socratic seminar handout to be familiar with the purpose of a Socratic seminar; be familiar with the guidelines of the seminar; be familiar with the differences between debate and dialogue; be familiar with the SCORING GUIDE for the seminar.

You need to understand the requirements of you as you participate in the seminar.


2. Aphorisms in The Alchemist and Harry Potter.  You have been looking for the ideas expressed in the aphorisms you have already found in The Alchemist.  We are going to take some time to update your notes with examples from both texts.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tuesday, September 5th

1. Find list of aphorisms in The Alchemist in your notes. You have already been looking for the general parallels between Harry Potter and The Alchemist. Today you are going to have your aphorisms in front of you as you. Universality is a key component of an aphorism. Do you see any of these aphorisms applicable in HP? Make sure that you get these examples in your notes.

2. Make sure the 6 levels of Bloom's Taxonomy are in your notes... K.C.A.A.S.E.

3. Be familiar with the Socratic seminar handout- expectations and scoring.

Schedule for September 6-15
September 6th/7th- Finish Harry Potter and start Art of Questioning/ Socratic seminar preparation;  Paper assignment
September 11th- Socratic seminar over The Alchemist
September 12th- Work on outline
September 13/14th- Outline due
September 15-  Paper work day.
September 19th- Paper due at 7:29 AM (Given day extension because Homecoming Weekend)

Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday, September 1st

For Tuesday,
We are getting ready for our FIRST SOCRATIC SEMINAR on The Alchemist on Wednesday/Thursday, September 6th/7th.

To do this...
Review very carefully the Socratic seminar handout to be familiar with the purpose of a Socratic seminar; be familiar with the guidelines of the seminar; be familiar with the differences between debate and dialogue; be familiar with the SCORING GUIDE for the seminar.

You need to understand the requirements of you as you participate in the seminar.